Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Fought A Good Fight

Well everyone, the results are in. Unfortunately Robin Carnahan wasn't able to win the U.S. Senate seat over Roy Blunt. It was a difficult race and everyone campaigned so hard, but in the end it wasn't enough. We want to thank you for reading our blog and supporting Robin Carnahan. We still believe that she would have been the best candidate for the position. We can only hope that Roy Blunt sticks up for Missourians and make policy decisions that support our state.

Kat and I want to personally thank you for supporting our blog. This blog has taught us a lot about political communication and how important it is to be informed before voting. We hope that you will continue to vote and stay informed for the next election!

Best Wishes,

Allie and Kat

Monday, November 1, 2010

Go Vote!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the day to vote. So if you want your voice to be heard and the best candidate for US Senate, Robin Carnahan, to win YOU need to vote! Remember that every single vote matters in this election.

Check out this advertising where 4 year old Andy is volunteering for Robin Carnahan's campaign.

Robin Carnahan, US Senator to be, will voice your opinions and needs. She will ensure that the Missourian's concerns are listened to and that action is taken. Carnahan is our commonsense value candidate and she cares about you!